Friday, November 25, 2011

A new article is published!

I was excited  to have the current issue (Winter 2011) of the Ypsilanti Gleanings arrive by mail today with my latest article, "The Second Wife" published in it. This publication is the newsletter for the Ypsilanti Historical Society in, of course, Ypsilanti, Michigan. I wrote the article on my great-great-grandfather, Brooks Bowman Hazelton, and his second marriage to Katherine J. "Kate" Schaff. It mostly deals with the will he left upon his death and the consequences of that will. I think it is very interesting. I hope you enjoy it.
If that issue isn't on their website yet, check back later.

I also hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day yesterday - we were lucky to have both children here, plus my daughter's boyfriend. We had a great day - food, football, dogs (we are now dogsitting for 3 weeks), fun and more food!  What more can you ask for? Everyone is gone now (except the dogs, Scooter and Bella) and it is quiet again. Now to start getting ready for Christmas.

I have my genealogy study group next Wednesday and need to prepare for that. At the first meeting, we set individual goals and at our second meeting, we had an update from everyone.  All did very well and accomplished pretty much what they set out to accomplish. We also talked about getting organized and/or organizing the information we have already gathered. Everyone is at a different place with their research so we covered a few different topics and had good suggestions for us all to follow. We started planning a field trip for our February meeting to the Mesa Family History Library in Mesa, Arizona. It is either the second or third largest genealogy library after Salt Lake City, and we are fortunate to have it only about 45 minutes from here. Some of the group have never been. We started talking about what we need to do to prepare - each of us personally - for the trip. I suggested everyone pick a research topic/person to focus on during their time in the library. We had a demonstration on how to check on  microfilms and books connected to their topic. We will start with a tour, organized by one of our members, to familize ourselves with what the library has to offer.

I am excited about the group and we seem to have some determined members and everyone is excited to learn and fun to work with.

1 comment:

QuiltsbyPatricia said...

Good update, been resting Matt showed me a little more about the blogs in general, so maybe I can communicate better with mine.