Saturday, December 3, 2011

GenieGirls meet again.

We had a great third meeting of the GenieGirls on Wednesday, our new genealogy study group. There are nine of us, with eight in attendance this month. It was another great meeting. There was a lot of enthusiasm and excitement in the room. Everyone is eager to learn and contribute. We heard from those who accomplished more on the goals they set early on and fielded questions in a number of other areas we have discussed.

We talked further about our research trip to the Mesa Library for our February meeting, going over the LDS website ( and how to search for microfilms and books that might be available at the library for each member's area of interest. They will bring a list of films that they find are not available in Mesa to order from Salt Lake City. We will order them in January. We are also arranging a tour of the Library to begin our day.

I am now contemplating what we will do during future meetings. Susan suggested taking a member's individual project, maybe one that has some "problems" attached to it,  and spending a meeting going through the process of actual research. It would be interesting and educational for us all. What are the first steps when starting a particular research question? How does each person approach it and what steps do they take? I think that is an exciting possibility. But I need to think about how much can be accomplished in two hours (or do we need to expand to two meetings, plus some homework) and exactly how do we organize each person's contribution to get the most out of our time and extract the most information for the project.

I will talk to Kristin about whether she would be interested is using her "mysterious" grandmother for our first project.


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