Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Organization, Meetings and Coats

Where is the month going? I have been busy organizing my data for the research trip I mentioned earlier. I may be going in February, which is sooner than I had expected. I always consider myself very organized, until I start going over all the information I have accumulated. I find that I need to STOP putting it in more than one location. Most frustrating. I am more and more trying to put my notes and list of things 'done' and 'to do' on the computer. As much as I love paper, it is too easy to put it into more than one notebook, etc. But of course, it is also easy to put information into more than one folder on the computer - but at least I try to get it all in one large overview folder on the computer. I THINK that is a step forward!  What do others do?  I have friends who do absolutely everything on the computer - some who just haven't come into the 21st century yet and have it all on paper.

The wonderful consequence of having a blog is the number of people who see it, read it and comment. The problem afterwards is to get these people to respond to MY response to them. The way the blog is set up, comments can be made and unless they leave an email, you don't have any way of answering them except through the comment section of the blog. Which I guess means they have to come back to the blog to see it. Unless of course they become a "follower." I find this most frustrating.

I went to the local LDS Library in Mesa, AZ yesterday. I don't get there near as often as I would like. It is about 45 minutes away, but an easy drive. The plus to yesterday's visit was that I stopped on my way and had lunch with my son and a friend of his from work on their lunch break. But the frustrating part is that no matter how many films I view, I swear that I only find something worthwhile on maybe 10% of them. As I was leaving, some woman commented she had had a good day as she broke through a brick wall - I should be so lucky!  I always wonder exactly what their definition of a brick wall is compared to mine. I have a list of over 100 films and several books I would like to review. At a cost of renting the films at $5/each - well you can see it might be cheaper to fly to Salt Lake City (which I have done) and look at the films for free. The last time I was in SLC, I was able to get through about 32 films in 3 days. That almost paid for the flight!  Who wants to go?

I need to get ready for the GenieGirls meeting here tomorrow. And, of course, work on getting more information ready to have at my finger tips when I get to Syracuse - oh, and buy a COAT!

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