Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  We made it through the holidays. It was busy and we had a great time, but now I need to get back to "work."  I have several projects I need to concentrate on over the next few months. First, this blog, which has taken a back seat to family (as it should), friends, baking, dogsitting, visitors, etc. All has been wonderful - all is over!

I have edited a family newsletter (McMemories) for several years now - the first one was dated the Summer of 2000! Where does the time go?  This was mostly started to keep my extended family in touch with each other, apprised of family happenings and get stories or memories of various events and family members down on paper. There is now be a wonderful historical and written record of events for the future generations. It has worked pretty well. Sadly, there have been deaths, but also, marriages and births to celebrate over the years. This is published once a year now, and I have just sent out an email to gather information for our 22nd edition (some years we did more than one). I am eagerly awaiting the emails that will send me stories and information for this edition. I hope I can get it sent out by the end of January.

Next, I need to get back to the book I am putting together on my grandparents: Garth and Edna Childs Beckington. This book will include a 3-generation summary of their family history, transcriptions of some of the letters they wrote to each other during their courtship and memories I am collecting from various grandchildren. I am still reading letters (OK, so I need to get back to doing that on a regular basis) and collecting memories.

In between that, I still belong to a Writers Group and need to WRITE. Not sure what my next topic will be. I did have an article in the Ypsilanti Gleanings (Winter 2010) on the McDougalls. I do have more information on them for a second article (and even a third someday), bringing them down through history to almost present day.

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