Friday, January 17, 2014

New Discoveries - Chapman

     I am still trying to recover, organize and move ahead from our wonderful DC trip. I did make a new discovery which has led to more documents being found.  I want to thank Sharon at the Southern District Registry of Deeds in Great Barrington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, for all her extraordinary help to make these finds possible.
     When I was at the DAR Library in DC, I came across a document in the file of our Revolutionary War Soldier, John Chapman (my 5th great-grandfather). He served from Massachusetts and lived in New Marlborough, Berkshire County, at the time. The only information I have ever been able to find on him, in New Marlborough, were censuses. A few years ago, I received an inventory of his estate after his death in 1814. He had a great deal of property, but no will or probate was found by the people I had searching. I am still working on that. The document in the file (this information can only be accessed from the DAR Library while on their computers) was for his daughter Polly Chapman Standish (husband Jonas, descended from Miles Standish). It was a quit claim deed (the original and the transcription) showing Polly and Jonas selling their (her) 1/11th share of her father, John Chapman's, land to Jonathan Chapman. Jonathan is her half-brother.

John Chapman (1751 - 1814)
+  Rachel Jackson (1752 - 1781)  
2  Sarah Chapman (1774 - before 1850)  
+ Ezra Lane (1768 - 1859)
            2  Ashbel Chapman (1775 - 1865)  
+ Polly Lane (about 1780 - 1862)
2  Mary (Polly) Chapman (1777 - about 1824)
+ Jonas Standish (1776 - 1853)
2  John Chapman (1779 - )
2 Baby Chapman (1781 - 1781)
+  Dorcas ? ( - 1814)  
2  Male Chapman (1783 - 1783)
2  Jonathan Chapman (1785 - )
2 Rachel Chapman (1787 - )
+ John W. Pollock
            2 Betsey Chapman (1789 - )
2  Senay Chapman (1791 - )  (name may be Asenath)
2  Lucy Chapman (1794 - )
2  Asher Chapman (1796 - 1865)
+ Polly Moon (1808 - before 1865)  

     With this information in my hot little hands - my question was: where are the quit claim deeds for the other 10 children? NOTE: Only 10 children are listed above - so another dilemma. According to the New Marlborough birth and death records (online), the Male Chapman, was born 4 Jan 1783, and died 5 Jan 1783. Other researchers attach an older (than Sarah) child named Jesse to this family and even other researchers have an Ira, b. 1801, attached. I have no evidence for either child.
     I contacted Sharon in Great Barrington, mentioned above. She was wonderful and over several days, and many emails back and forth, she found deeds selling land for Asenath, Lucy, Asher, Rachel, Ashbel and Sarah Chapman Lane. They all mention their father and several mention selling their 1/11th share. John Sr. sold John Jr. land in 1810, before Sr.'s death. Several of the siblings sold their shares to James Thorp Rhoades/Rhodes. Jonathan eventually sold his shares to "Thorp" Rhoades. Thorp was a brother to David Rhoads. David was my 4th great-grandfather. His daughter, Jerusha, married Roswell (3rd great-grandfather), son of Ezra (4th great-grandfather) and Sarah Chapman Lane.
     OK, so where is the deed for Betsey (Elizabeth?) Chapman? I guess she could have kept it and sold it many, many years later. Since her name does not show up under Chapman, she probably married so we need that name to research further. We have accounted for a total of eight children, minus Betsey. Who are the 10th and 11th children?  If either Jesse or Ira are included in this family - there were no deeds found.

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