Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday - October 9

I am not going to be posting everyday on this blog, but I do want to try a few to get comfortable with it all. I have had a couple of comments from family and friends that they are having trouble leaving comments. I am not sure why. More research into the working of blogs is needed. I also want to connect the blog to my website and visa versa.

Genealogy: I started a study group - we will call ourselves the Genealogy Girls Group, or "GenieGirls." There are nine of us and we are hoping this once-a-month get together will help us to set goals and actually accomplish them as we will have to answer to the others if we don't. Also, a lesson or two, field trips to the local genealogy libraries and just helping each other in general will happen along the way.


GeneBugGrams said...

Those making a comment need to remember to select a profile for their note and also to enter the security characters in the window that appears after they click "Post Comment". I had not problems yesterday. *grin*

QuiltsbyPatricia said...

Blog looks good - This is a different screen also

Anonymous said...

Blog looks good.